Give Your Subscribers and Power High Quality Video PLR plus Powerful Summit Speakers To Show Them How to Maximize Their PLR

Expert Presenters In
Content and Products

Full Business In A Box

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$17 to $27

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$27 - $37



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[New] Biz in A Box + Expert Training


A new PLR package was just released with everything
you need as a marketer for maximum profits:

15 HQ MP4 Videos
15 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Talking Points
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script


But there’s something even more powerful about this
package.  It’s a small part of a PLR Summit with
expert live speakers showing you how to use this
or any PLR Package to Build and entire brand.

The Keynote Address will be done by Andrew Warner or Mixergy.Com
who will discuss Creating a Unique Content Brand In
a Competitive Market

We’ll Also Have Featured Speakers on How to Leverage PLR

Paul Counts, RealGuys PLR
Using PLR Offline With Live Audiences

Ellen Finkclestien, Change the World Marketnig
Creating Powerful Products From Your PLR Using PowerPoint

Sue Fleckenstien,
Creating Quick Images and Working with E-Covers

Candace Fowler Chira,
Selling PLR Videos In Your Local Area

Dwayne Golden, DGolden & Associates
How I Used PLR To Create $400 Sales and Software

April Lemarr, Niche Start Packs
Combining PLR to Create Original Products

Susie O’Dea, MasterPLR
Using Niche PLR To Create Passive Income

David Perdew,
Leveraging PLR Into Long Term Memberships

Justin Popovich, Tools For Motivation & Best Quality PLR
Scaling Up to Create a Product Line

Darren Ross, White Label Audio
Working Effectively With Royalty Free Audio

Alice Seba, DIYPLR and List Magnets
Partnering Up for Increased Power

Sharyn Sheldon, Content Sparks
Using PLR to Build Authority

Liz Tomey, Instant Income PLR
The Right Pieces to Building an Online Business

It’s like getting two products in one package:
Profit Pulling PLR and Expert Training.

Get the entire package here because the price
is going up with each sale.



[New] Biz in A Box + Expert Training


A new PLR package was just released with everything
you need as a marketer for maximum profits:

15 HQ MP4 Videos
15 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Talking Points
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script


But there’s something even more powerful about this
package.  It’s a small part of a PLR Summit with
expert live speakers showing you how to use this
or any PLR Package to Build and entire brand.

The Keynote Address will be done by Andrew Warner or Mixergy.Com
who will discuss Creating a Unique Content Brand In
a Competitive Market

We’ll Also Have Featured Speakers on How to Leverage PLR

Paul Counts, RealGuys PLR
Ellen Finkclestien, Change the World Marketnig
Sue Fleckenstien,
Candace Fowler Chira,
Dwayne Golden, DGolden & Associates
April Lemarr, Niche Start Packs
Susie O’Dea, MasterPLR
David Perdew,
Justin Popovich, Tools For Motivation & Best Quality PLR
Darren Ross, White Label Audio
Alice Seba, DIYPLR and List Magnets
Sharyn Sheldon, Content Sparks
Liz Tomey, Instant Income PLR

It’s like getting two products in one package:
Profit Pulling PLR and Expert Training.

Get the entire package here because the price
is going up with each sale.



[New] Biz in A Box + Expert Training


A new PLR package was just released with everything
you need as a marketer for maximum profits:

15 HQ MP4 Videos
15 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Talking Points
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script


But there’s something even more powerful about this
package.  It’s a small part of a PLR Summit with
expert live speakers showing you how to use this
or any PLR Package to Build and entire brand.

The Keynote Address will be done by Andrew Warner or Mixergy.Com
who will discuss Creating a Unique Content Brand In
a Competitive Market

We’ll Also Have Featured Speakers on How to Leverage PLR

Using PLR Offline With Live Audiences
Creating Powerful Products From Your PLR Using PowerPoint
Creating Quick Images and Working with E-Covers
Selling PLR Videos In Your Local Area
How I Used PLR To Create $400 Sales and Software
Combining PLR to Create Original Products
Using Niche PLR To Create Passive Income
Leveraging PLR Into Long Term Memberships
Scaling Up to Create a Product Line
Working Effectively With Royalty Free Audio
JV’ing and Partnering Up for Increased Power
Using PLR to Build Authority
The Right Pieces to Building an Online Business

It’s like getting two products in one package:
Profit Pulling PLR and Expert Training.

Get the entire package here because the price
is going up with each sale.



[New] A PLR Summit…What?


Veteran PLR Creators, Charles and Laurel Harper, just
did something I haven’t seen done. They’ve decided
to do a Virtual PLR Summit.

That means you get to hear experts show you how
to take any PLR package and turn it into a profitable
product or a profitable brand.


Here’s What’s Being Covered:

Paul Counts, RealGuys PLR
Using PLR Offline With Live Audiences

Ellen Finkclestien, Change the World Marketnig
Creating Powerful Products From Your PLR Using PowerPoint

Sue Fleckenstien,
Creating Quick Images and Working with E-Covers

Candace Fowler Chira,
Selling PLR Videos In Your Local Area

Dwayne Golden, DGolden & Associates
How I Used PLR To Create $400 Sales and Software

April Lemarr, Niche Start Packs
Combining PLR to Create Original Products

Susie O’Dea, MasterPLR
Using Niche PLR To Create Passive Income

David Perdew,
Leveraging PLR Into Long Term Memberships

Justin Popovich, Tools For Motivation & Best Quality PLR
Scaling Up to Create a Product Line

Darren Ross, White Label Audio
Working Effectively With Royalty Free Audio

Alice Seba, DIYPLR and List Magnets
Partnering Up for Increased Power

Sharyn Sheldon, Content Sparks
Using PLR to Build Authority

Liz Tomey, Instant Income PLR
The Right Pieces to Building an Online Business


But they went one step further….

They’re actually giving you access to a full high quality
Business in A Box package, including…

15 HQ MP4 Videos
15 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Slides
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script


If you can’t attend the summit live, all of the sessions
will be recorded, summarized and made available
to you.

And you get access to your PLR package right away…
There is no additional charge for the summit.

This one’s on a dime sale, so you want to get this one
fast.  The price is gonna go up when people figure out
they’re only paying one price for two products.

Get your access now here:


[New] A PLR Summit…What?


Veteran PLR Creators, Charles and Laurel Harper, just
did something I haven’t seen done. They’ve decided
to do a Virtual PLR Summit.

That means you get to hear experts show you how
to take any PLR package and turn it into a profitable
product or a profitable brand.

Here’s Who’s Speaking….

Keynote Presentation: Andrew Warner of Mixergy.Com

Paul Counts, RealGuys PLR
Ellen Finkclestien, Change the World Marketnig
Sue Fleckenstien,
Candace Fowler Chira,
Dwayne Golden, DGolden & Associates
April Lemarr, Niche Start Packs
Susie O’Dea, MasterPLR
David Perdew,
Justin Popovich, Tools For Motivation & Best Quality PLR
Darren Ross, White Label Audio
Alice Seba, DIYPLR and List Magnets
Sharyn Sheldon, Content Sparks
Liz Tomey, Instant Income PLR


But they went one step further….

They’re actually giving you access to a full high quality
Business in A Box package, including…

15 HQ MP4 Videos
15 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Slides
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script


If you can’t attend the summit live, all of the sessions
will be recorded, summarized and made available
to you.

And you get access to your PLR package right away…
There is no additional charge for the summit.

This one’s on a dime sale, so you want to get this one
fast.  The price is gonna go up when people figure out
they’re only paying one price for two products.

Get your access now here:


[New] A PLR Summit…What?


Veteran PLR Creators, Charles and Laurel Harper, just
did something I haven’t seen done. They’ve decided
to do a Virtual PLR Summit.

That means you get to hear experts show you how
to take any PLR package and turn it into a profitable
product or a profitable brand.

Here’s Who’s Speaking….

Keynote Presentation: Andrew Warner of Mixergy.Com

Using PLR Offline With Live Audiences
Creating Powerful Products From Your PLR Using PowerPoint
Creating Quick Images and Working with E-Covers
Selling PLR Videos In Your Local Area
How I Used PLR To Create $400 Sales and Software
Combining PLR to Create Original Products
Using Niche PLR To Create Passive Income
Leveraging PLR Into Long Term Memberships
Scaling Up to Create a Product Line
Working Effectively With Royalty Free Audio
JV’ing and Partnering Up for Increased Power
Using PLR to Build Authority
The Right Pieces to Building an Online Business


But they went one step further….

They’re actually giving you access to a full high quality
Business in A Box package, including…

15 HQ MP4 Videos
15 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Slides
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script


If you can’t attend the summit live, all of the sessions
will be recorded, summarized and made available
to you.

And you get access to your PLR package right away…
There is no additional charge for the summit.

This one’s on a dime sale, so you want to get this one
fast.  The price is gonna go up when people figure out
they’re only paying one price for two products.

Get your access now here:



[PLR] Unique Package On a Dime Sale


Charles and Laurel Harper just released a PLR
package that customers have been asking
creators to do for a long time.  They’ve
put together a video course you or your
customer can use for a 30 Day Challenge..

So, here’s what you’re getting today….

30 HQ MP4 Videos
30 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Slides
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script

The price is going up with each sale…as it’s priced
on a “dime sale” basis.  Get it here, now while it’s
the lowest price it’s ever going to be….


But that’s not even the best part.  You also get….along
with the PLR package, a series of expert Summit
Speakers to show you how to profit from your

Paul Counts, RealGuys PLR
Using PLR Offline With Live Audiences

Ellen Finkclestien, Change the World Marketnig
Creating Powerful Products From Your PLR Using PowerPoint

Sue Fleckenstien,
Creating Quick Images and Working with E-Covers

Candace Fowler Chira,
Selling PLR Videos In Your Local Area

Dwayne Golden, DGolden & Associates
How I Used PLR To Create $400 Sales and Software

April Lemarr, Niche Start Packs
Combining PLR to Create Original Products

Susie O’Dea, MasterPLR
Using Niche PLR To Create Passive Income

David Perdew,
Leveraging PLR Into Long Term Memberships

Justin Popovich, Tools For Motivation & Best Quality PLR
Scaling Up to Create a Product Line

Darren Ross, White Label Audio
Working Effectively With Royalty Free Audio

Alice Seba, DIYPLR and List Magnets
Partnering Up for Increased Power

Sharyn Sheldon, Content Sparks
Using PLR to Build Authority

Liz Tomey, Instant Income PLR
The Right Pieces to Building an Online Business
…and there’s no additional charge for the Summit.
So it’s like getting a full PLR and training too, for
the same price you’d pay for the PLR alone.

This one’s on a dime sale, so you want to get this one
fast.  The price is gonna go up when people figure out
they’re only paying one price for two products.

Get your access now here:


[PLR] Unique Package On a Dime Sale


Charles and Laurel Harper just released a PLR
package that customers have been asking
creators to do for a long time.  They’ve
put together a video course you or your
customer can use for a 30 Day Challenge..

So, here’s what you’re getting today….

30 HQ MP4 Videos
30 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Slides
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script

The price is going up with each sale…as it’s priced
on a “dime sale” basis.  Get it here, now while it’s
the lowest price it’s ever going to be….


But that’s not even the best part.  You also get….along
with the PLR package, a series of expert Summit
Speakers to show you how to profit from your

The Keynote Address will be done by Andrew Warner or Mixergy.Com
who will discuss Creating a Unique Content Brand In
a Competitive Market

We’ll Also Have Featured Speakers on How to Leverage PLR

Paul Counts, RealGuys PLR
Ellen Finkclestien, Change the World Marketnig
Sue Fleckenstien,
Candace Fowler Chira,
Dwayne Golden, DGolden & Associates
April Lemarr, Niche Start Packs
Susie O’Dea, MasterPLR
David Perdew,
Justin Popovich, Tools For Motivation & Best Quality PLR
Darren Ross, White Label Audio
Alice Seba, DIYPLR and List Magnets
Sharyn Sheldon, Content Sparks
Liz Tomey, Instant Income PLR
…and there’s no additional charge for the Summit.
So it’s like getting a full PLR and training too, for
the same price you’d pay for the PLR alone.

This one’s on a dime sale, so you want to get this one
fast.  The price is gonna go up when people figure out
they’re only paying one price for two products.

Get your access now here:


[PLR] Unique Package On a Dime Sale


Charles and Laurel Harper just released a PLR
package that customers have been asking
creators to do for a long time.  They’ve
put together a video course you or your
customer can use for a 30 Day Challenge..

So, here’s what you’re getting today….

30 HQ MP4 Videos
30 Companion Audios
PowerPoint Slides
PinPoint Mind Map
Cheat Sheet
Companion E-Book
Sales Pages and Opt-In Pages
Video Lead Magnet and Script

The price is going up with each sale…as it’s priced
on a “dime sale” basis.  Get it here, now while it’s
the lowest price it’s ever going to be….


But that’s not even the best part.  You also get….along
with the PLR package, a series of expert Summit
Speakers to show you how to profit from your

The Keynote Address will be done by Andrew Warner or Mixergy.Com
who will discuss Creating a Unique Content Brand In
a Competitive Market

Using PLR Offline With Live Audiences
Creating Powerful Products From Your PLR Using PowerPoint
Creating Quick Images and Working with E-Covers
Selling PLR Videos In Your Local Area
How I Used PLR To Create $400 Sales and Software
Combining PLR to Create Original Products
Using Niche PLR To Create Passive Income
Leveraging PLR Into Long Term Memberships
Scaling Up to Create a Product Line
Working Effectively With Royalty Free Audio
JV’ing and Partnering Up for Increased Power
Using PLR to Build Authority
The Right Pieces to Building an Online Business

…and there’s no additional charge for the Summit.
So it’s like getting a full PLR and training too, for
the same price you’d pay for the PLR alone.

This one’s on a dime sale, so you want to get this one
fast.  The price is gonna go up when people figure out
they’re only paying one price for two products.

Get your access now here:


[PLR] Expert Training and New Package
Here is a something unique today, from
Charles and Laurel Harper. They’d doing
a “PLR Summit” AND they’re adding in
a complete separate Biz in a Box package
along with it.

Two for one, essentially…

The PLR Package is a video course helping
anyone with the aspect of branding their
Offline Businesses
Online Businesses
Hybrid Businesses
The Summit includes some of the best
experts available to show you how to properly
leverage your content.
The price is going up with each sale…as it’s priced
on a “dime sale” basis. Get it here, now while it’s
the lowest price it’s ever going to be….

Bonus Page

Contact Us On Skype If You Have Questions